Philip Emeagwali   Computers / Technology  Quotations:

  • My life is God's gift to me. My invention is my gift to God.
    Philip Emeagwali 

  • Inventing is a crusade for me. The love of science is what inspires me. For many years, I lived on bread and water. I used my scarce financial resources and leisure hours to overcome the lack of funding. I entered the battlefield as carefree as someone on a Jihad.
    Philip Emeagwali 

  • Athletes and dancers are mathematicians in motion.
    Philip Emeagwali 

  • There are no true portrait of Fibonacci or Euclid or any ancient mathematician that was born, raised and educated in Africa. While we know that Fibonacci and Euclid were African by birth, we cannot prove that they were European by ancestry.
    Philip Emeagwali 

  • Our letters are digital. Our books are digital. Our conversations are digital. In the future, our children will be digital. The human race will be replaced by robots, androids and cyborgs.
    Philip Emeagwali 

  • Technology is a tool and a means to the end. Knowledge and information is the end.
    Philip Emeagwali 

  • Technology is the gift of ancient Africans to the modern world.
    Philip Emeagwali 

  • South Africa spends 10 percent of her budget on to built an army to defend her from her weaker neighbors, but spends 1 percent to defend her from HIV virus will eventually kill one in four adults.
    Philip Emeagwali 

  • To understand where we are or where we are going or what directions we should take require that we review where we have been.
    Philip Emeagwali 

  • When we invest in our children, we will find that our standard of living grows, too. We should invest in education not because it is easy, but because our children will be the beneficiaries tomorrow of the decisions, we adults, make today.
    Philip Emeagwali 

  • Life is a journey from where you were on the day you were born to where you will be on the day that you die.
    Philip Emeagwali 

  • To understand where we are or where we are going or what directions we should take require that we review where we have been.
    Philip Emeagwali 

  • To understand where we are or where we are going or what directions we should take require that we review where we have been.
    Philip Emeagwali 

  • I know many people who regretted dropping out of school. But I do not know anyone who regretted staying in school.
    Philip Emeagwali 

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